Excerpt from: The 30 Day Arthritis Cure
By: Dr. Len Sands
Pages: 138 and 139
Where to Find Authentic CMO
The San Diego Clinic was a research and treatment facility that
never sold CMO. It dispensed CMO to subjects enrolled in their
studies and to clinic patients who might have been part of their
diagnosis and treatment programs for arthritis or other chronic
ailments that have autoimmune components.
Since it was the San Diego Clinic that conducted the human
clinical studies on CMO, most health care professionals, retail
sales outlets and distributors communicated with them to ask for
advice about unusual cases or to report the results of their
experiences with CMO. Consequently they knew just about all
the sources providing authentic CMO.
Considering how many new CMO counterfeiters seem to crop up
every week and how quickly some of them disappear, it is not
practical to compile a list of those counterfeiters to publish here.
The list would be out of date by the time this book is off the
press. To help you find authentic CMO products and current
distributors Dr. Sands requested a web site be created. The
legitimacy of your product can be confirmed by comparing it the
list of authentic distributors at www.realcmo.com.
There are so many impostors, it can be quite a chore trying to
decide if the product you’ve found or are being offered is real
CMO or some ineffective imitation. The best you can do on your
own is use the information provided from the web site or in the
chapter on CMO impostors. Anything that deviates in the
slightest from our description of the authentic product should be
For example, you know that CMO is derived from certain fatty
tissue of beef, so that means anything claiming to be derived
from a vegetable source couldn’t possibly be the authentic
You should also be suspicious of products that seem to be priced
unusually low. The process for extracting CMO is costly. We’ve
seen many counterfeit products offered at prices lower than it
actually takes to produce the authentic CMO. That bargain
priced counterfeit CMO is most likely to be nothing more than a
waste of your money.
In another chapter we presented a copy of a memorandum that
describes the differences between CMO and most of the
imitation or inferior products. The quality that goes into the
manufacture of nutritional products is also very important. The
following is a copy of product certification. It presents
information relevant to product quality.